California Child Custody & Support Investigations
Corinthian Group founder is a CA Licensed Private Investigator located in California. In states or countries where Corinthian Group has not obtained a license to provide Private Investigation services (where applicable), Corinthian Group has established strategic partnership with Private Detectives within the continental US & worldwide and will contract investigative & protective services and or refer leads generated from this site to qualified Private Investigators, as needed. 
Corinthian Group: California's Premier Investigative Firm
Serving Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County Orange County & San Diego County
Private Investigation, Criminal Defense Investigations & Executive Protection Services by State or Country:

Alaska | Alabama | Arizona: Phoenix | Arkansas | California: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose | Colorado: Denver | Connecticut | Delaware | Washington DC | Florida: Miami, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Clearwater, Orlando, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Myers, Jacksonville | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois: Chicago | Indiana: Indianapolis | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland| Massachusetts: Boston | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas: Dallas, Houston | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

International Private Investigations:
Cancun Mexico | Cabo San Lucas Mexico | Puerto Vallarta Mexico | Japan | China

Private Investigation & Executive Protection Services by California County:
Private Investigator Alameda County | Private Detective Contra Costa County | Private Investigators Fresno County | Private Detectives Imperial County | Private Investigation Kings County | Private Investigators Los Angeles County | Private Detective Agency Madera County | Private Investigations Marin County | Investigator Merced County | Monterey County Private Investigator | Detective Agencies Napa County | Private Investigators Orange County | Private Detectives Riverside County | Private Investigator San Bernardino County | San Benito County Investigations | San Diego County Private Investigators | Private Investigator Agency San Francisco County | Detectives San Joaquin County | San Mateo County Private Investigation | Santa Cruz County | Sacramento County | Solano County | Sonoma County | Stanislaus County | Tulare County | Ventura County | Yolo County
Subsidiary of Surveillance Systems Group, Inc.
Corinthian Group
8300 Utica Avenue, 3rd Floor, Rancho Cucamonga California 91730
Toll Free (877) 687-3939/OUR-EYEZ

Corinthian Group is licensed through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
California Investigator License #: PI 26978 (prior PI License # 23070)

Additional Services offered by our Worldwide Strategic Partners Network:

Accident Investigations, Accident Reconstruction, Address Search and Verification, Affidavits, Arson Investigations, Asset Searches, Asset Protection, Background Checks, Bail Enforcement, Bilingual Investigations, CA Guard Card Testing, Cargo Theft Investigations, Child Custody Investigations, Civil Investigations, Computer Forensics, Computer Investigations, Corporate Investigations, Counter Surveillance Investigations, Court Records Research-(Municipal, State & Federal), Criminal Defense Investigations, Difficult Process Serves, Disability Investigations, Divorce Investigations, DNA Testing & Test Kits, Drug Testing & Test Kits, Eavesdrop Detection- (TSCM & Debugging), Education Verification, Elderly Abuse Investigations, Executive Protection, Extortion Investigations, Falsely Accused Investigations, Fraud Investigations, GPS Tracking, Hidden Camera (Sales & Installations), Homicide Investigations, Identity Theft Prevention, Infidelity Investigations, Inmate Statements & Interviews, Insurance Fraud Investigations, Intellectual Property, Investigations, Interviews & Interrogations, Loss Prevention, Matrimonial Investigations, Minority Investigations (Surveillance, Statements & Interviews), Missing Heir locates, Missing Persons Investigations, Nanny Background Checks & Cams, Personal Protection, Phone Breaks/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Political Investigations, Pre-Employment Screening, Pre-Marital Investigations, Process Service, , Repossessions, Search and Seizure Investigations & Consulting, Security, Security Cameras & Diagramming, , Security Consultation, Sentencing Investigations, Sex Crimes Investigations, Skip Tracing, Stalking Prevention & Suppression (create definition), Statements (Audio & or Video), Suicide Investigations, Surveillance, Surveillance Equipment, Trademark Infringement Investigations, Theft Investigation (Interviews & Interrogations), Tenant Screening, Use of Force Investigation & Consultation, Utilities Break/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Undercover Investigations, Unlawfully Detained and or Falsely Arrested Investigations, Witness, Investigations, Workers Compensation Investigations, Wrongful Death Investigations

California Private Investigator License # : 26978
Mr. & Mrs. Claude & Kim Ammons
~Licensed Private Investigators~
"Lets Talk... Our advice is always FREE!"
Is your ex paying enough child support to meet your child's needs?

As a parent there are often many unexpected expenses that are not accurately factored into the child support ruling and or new expenses that were never considered in the original assessment. As your child gets older, their needs will increase and so will the expenses of raising that child.

Too many times, the judge is forced to determine the credibility of the parties involved because it is one person's word versus another. Unfortunately, many times the judge will often side with the petitioner because in the judge's eyes the petitioner made the decision to fight for their child. So it is even more important that you present unemotional, factually based and unbiased evidence for them to consider.

We have worked for many clients to uncover additional income that their ex has hiding from the court and obtain irrefutable evidence to help the courts address non-disclosed income.

I have personally dealt with child support and custody disputes with my own children. I understand the reluctance many of us have about taking our ex to court of these matters; however I can personally attest that fighting for my children was always the best decision I ever made…

Do you want physical and or legal custody of your child/children?

If so, then you must take action. A child custody private investigator can document work hours/schedule, places of employment, identify undisclosed forms of income, substantiate child safety concerns, document violations of court orders, be an impartial witness during visitation/child exchanges and provide evidence of abuse and or neglect. When necessary, we will testify to the evidence we obtained on your behalf.

PLEASE NOTE: It is extremely important that you retain an experienced and competent attorney for these types of family law matters. If you do not have an attorney, we will refer you to an experienced attorney in your area who may have valuable insight into the demeanor and tendencies of the judge who is presiding over your case. Together, we will be able to professionally submit compelling evidence to the court which will undoubtedly benefit both you and your child/children…


Physical Abuse:
  1. Bruises on parts of the body that are generally covered by clothing and or wears inappropriate clothing to hide bruises.
  2. Unknown/unexplained marks or abrasions to the head.
  3. Serious injuries and or broken bones to infants or toddlers.
  4. Suspicious injures/broken bones to grade school children with 1 or fewer witnesses.
  5. Flinches at sudden movements and or seems frightened to be around a specific person/family member/friend.
  6. Is afraid of or refuses physical affection. Avoids casual touching such as clothes/diaper changing. Refuses to change clothes in front of others.
  7. Runs away from home or is avoids going home by staying with friends
  Child Neglect:
  1. Child/children extremely hungry when they visit.
  2. Rashes, ringworm and or other skin irritations.
  3. Lice
  4. Poor hygiene IE- Body odor, unwashed and uncombed hair
  5. Untreated injuries, sicknesses and or is constantly has a cold for months at a time.
  6. Often late or absent from school or other social functions.
  7. Often left alone and or is not properly supervised in unsafe environments.
    Emotional Abuse:
  1. Sudden changes in eating habits for no obvious reasons.
  2. Unexplained nightmares and or has now has bed wetting issues.
  3. Poor ability communicating/expressing feelings and or controlling their emotions.
  4. Child exhibit fear or worry about making a mistake.
  5. Withdrawn from physical and social activities
  6. Acts older or younger than their age.  IE-Taking care of other children and or sucking finger, etc.
  7. Low self esteem
  Sexual Abuse:
  1. Has toys, money or other sudden gifts without reason.
  2. Thinks of their own body or self as dirty. Low self esteem.
  3. Talks about new adult or older friends.
  4. Has learned new and or inappropriate words for body parts.
  5. Mimicking sexual behavior with toys or inanimate objects. Displays an interest and or has knowledge of sexual acts inappropriate for their age.
  6. Is afraid of or refuses physical affection. Avoids casual touching such as clothes/diaper changing. Refuses to change clothes in front of others.
  7. Runs away from home
Trust your gut instinct & have OUR-EYEZ be yours.

Child Safety Tips for October:

Child Custody & Support
Does your child/children live in an unhealthy and or abusive home?

Often times we enter into relationships without completing understanding how important it is to consider the strengths and or weakness of our sexual partner. Despite our best efforts to prevent pregnancies, children are being born into unstable families and don't have a say so who their parents are. It is the parent's responsibility to work diligently to provide the best environment possible to raise their children. Children are being physically abused, mentally abused, sexually abused and can often be sold as sex slaves. 

I have handled multiple Child Custody despites where the non-custodial parent sees signs of malnutrition, physical abuse, lack of appropriate hygiene and or they have reason to believe that their child/children are in an unsafe environment. Unfortunately, many of our male clients unknowingly give up their rights in an attempt to avoid what the believe are unnecessary disagreements. YOU have more rights than you know and must speak up for your child, as they don't have the authority to speak on their own behalf… What could be more necessary?
Are you involved in a Child Custody Battle? 

There are many non-custodial parents who initially give up their right for full and or joint physical and or legal custody. However, in most cases the longer you wait, the less likely the court will reconsider modifying the custody and or support. Now might be the time to petition the court to reconsider their prior ruling, especially if you can provide the court with evidence that will prove that you child would be the beneficiary. However, you must not attempt to obtain this evidence on your own as the judge will most likely admonish you for your actions and dismiss your evidence because it was not obtained by an unbiased third party.

Many of our clients have dealt with their ex not picking up their child at the prearranged time, demanding and or refusing visitation when they so desire which becomes extremely frustrating when my clients have remarried or are in successful relationships. They want to move on with their lives, yet the ex still has control over them.Take the control out of their hands and make them abide by the current court order.