Insurance Fraud Prevention & Red Flags
Corinthian Group founder is a CA Licensed Private Investigator located in California. In states or countries where Corinthian Group has not obtained a license to provide Private Investigation services (where applicable), Corinthian Group has established strategic partnership with Private Detectives within the continental US & worldwide and will contract investigative & protective services and or refer leads generated from this site to qualified Private Investigators, as needed. 
 Claims Management System

Corinthian Group: California's Premier Investigative Firm
Serving Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County Orange County & San Diego County
Private Investigation, Criminal Defense Investigations & Executive Protection Services by State or Country:

Alaska | Alabama | Arizona: Phoenix | Arkansas | California: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose | Colorado: Denver | Connecticut | Delaware | Washington DC | Florida: Miami, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Clearwater, Orlando, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Myers, Jacksonville | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois: Chicago | Indiana: Indianapolis | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland| Massachusetts: Boston | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas: Dallas, Houston | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

International Private Investigations:
Cancun Mexico | Cabo San Lucas Mexico | Puerto Vallarta Mexico | Japan | China

Private Investigation & Executive Protection Services by California County:
Private Investigator Alameda County | Private Detective Contra Costa County | Private Investigators Fresno County | Private Detectives Imperial County | Private Investigation Kings County | Private Investigators Los Angeles County | Private Detective Agency Madera County | Private Investigations Marin County | Investigator Merced County | Monterey County Private Investigator | Detective Agencies Napa County | Private Investigators Orange County | Private Detectives Riverside County | Private Investigator San Bernardino County | San Benito County Investigations | San Diego County Private Investigators | Private Investigator Agency San Francisco County | Detectives San Joaquin County | San Mateo County Private Investigation | Santa Cruz County | Sacramento County | Solano County | Sonoma County | Stanislaus County | Tulare County | Ventura County | Yolo County
Subsidiary of Surveillance Systems Group, Inc.
Corinthian Group
8300 Utica Avenue, 3rd Floor, Rancho Cucamonga California 91730
Toll Free (877) 687-3939/OUR-EYEZ

For Your Information is licensed through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
California Investigator License #: PI 26978 (prior PI License # 23070)
Additional Services offered by our Worldwide Strategic Partners Network:

Accident Investigations, Accident Reconstruction, Address Search and Verification, Affidavits, Arson Investigations, Asset Searches
Asset Protection, Background Checks, Bail Enforcement, Bilingual Investigations, CA Guard Card Testing, Cargo Theft Investigations, Child Custody Investigations, Civil Investigations, Computer Forensics, Computer Investigations, Corporate Investigations, Counter Surveillance Investigations, Court Records Research-(Municipal, State & Federal), Criminal Defense Investigations, Difficult Process Serves, Disability Investigations, Divorce Investigations, DNA Testing & Test Kits, Drug Testing & Test Kits, Eavesdrop Detection- (TSCM & Debugging), Education Verification, Elderly Abuse Investigations, Executive Protection, Extortion Investigations, Falsely Accused Investigations, Fraud Investigations, GPS Tracking, Hidden Camera (Sales & Installations), Homicide Investigations, Identity Theft Prevention, Infidelity Investigations, Inmate Statements & Interviews, Insurance Fraud Investigations, Intellectual Property, Investigations, Interviews & Interrogations, Loss Prevention, Matrimonial Investigations, Minority Investigations (Surveillance, Statements & Interviews), Missing Heir locates, Missing Persons Investigations, Nanny Background Checks & Cams, Personal Protection, Phone Breaks/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Political Investigations, Pre-Employment Screening, Pre-Marital Investigations, Process Service, , Repossessions, Search and Seizure Investigations & Consulting, Security, Security Cameras & Diagramming, , Security Consultation, Sentencing Investigations, Sex Crimes Investigations, Skip Tracing, Stalking Prevention & Suppression (create definition), Statements (Audio & or Video), Suicide Investigations, Surveillance, Surveillance Equipment, Trademark Infringement Investigations, Theft Investigation (Interviews & Interrogations), Tenant Screening, Use of Force Investigation & Consultation, Utilities Break/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Undercover Investigations, Unlawfully Detained and or Falsely Arrested Investigations, Witness, Investigations, Workers Compensation Investigations, Wrongful Death Investigations

California Private Investigator License # : 26978
Mr. & Mrs. Claude & Kim Ammons
~Licensed Private Investigators~
"Lets Talk... Our advice is always FREE!"
Workers Compensation Fraud Prevention Tips & Red Flag Indicators

Before accidents occur:

  1. Make certain each employee has received adequately training for their jobs and have signed the appropriate documentation indicating their compliance to your Safety policies.
  2. Identify potential and or problem areas at your place of business and install video cameras as a deterrent.
  3. Provide quarterly employee safety training/meetings and discuss how injuries could be prevented/avoided.
    1. Educate your employees about negative consequences associated with workers compensation fraud. "Increased fraud means increased insurance premiums, which means the company will be forced to decrease and or eliminate employee incentives (IE-Company picnics, Christmas parties, promotions, bonuses) and or raises!
    2. Identify unsafe work habits and have each employee sign documentation indicating that they understand all newly implemented safety procedures.
Once an accident has occurred:
  1. Mandate that all injuries are immediately reported to their immediate supervisor and or to the proper department(s).
  2. Usher the injured employee to your company's health care provider that is familiar with work related injuries and who will not alienate the injured employee.
  3. Mandate that an incident report has been completed by the employee as soon as reasonably possible and immediately obtain written statements from all witnesses.
  4. Interview the employee for specific details of have the incident occurred, what injuries they sustained and note who observed the accident.
  5. Ask the injured worker to identify their injuries on a skeletal diagram.
  6. Conduct a thorough investigation and secure any evidence such as video recording of the incident and or the conditions prior to the accident.
  7. Investigate the reported accident/incident scene for any corroborating or contradicting evidence.
  8. Pay close attention to what employee are discussing about the incident. Honest employee won't stand silently by while their co-workers defraud the system.
After an accident:
  1. It is imperative that you demonstrate genuine concern for the involved employee(s). IE-Send "Get Well Soon" greeting card.
    1. Stay in contact with the injured employee/worker and show genuine concern about their speedy recovery.
    2. Ask if there is anything that you can do to for them. (You will quickly determine their desire to return to work and or their intentions to retain an attorney.)
    3. Try to answer any questions they may have and reassure them that they will have a job once they return…
    4. Let them know that they are a valuable commodity to the company's success/productiveness and that you look forward to their return…
  2. Determine if the medical diagnosis corroborates with the alleged injuries the employee reported.
  3. Implement & enforce drug testing. Insure that your drug testing policy requires mandatory screening after all incidents, not just accidents!
  4. Be watchful for any Red Flag indicators of possible fraud.
  5. Communicate regularly with the medical provider.
    1. Determine the severity of the employee's injury and reasonable timeframe that the employee will be able to "Return to Work".
    2. Educate the treating physician about the employees current work duties.
    3. Consider attending your employee's medical appointment to show concern about their rehabilitation, progress and overall well being.
    4. Determine if the employee will need to be retrained to work in a different position.
    5. Determine if the employee will need modified work duties and what their work restriction & limitations will be in advance.
  • Establishing modified duty programs will allow the employee to return to work much quicker, which decrease cost significantly!!!
  • Determine with the treating physician what modified duty would be appropriate for the injured employee's current limitations/restrictions.
  1. Utilizing worker compensation surveillance as 1 tool within your "Return to Work" program for all lingering injuries will pay huge dividends!
  2. Report all injuries to your claims adjuster/insurance company ASAP!
  3. Remain involved for the duration of the claim!

*Workers Compensation Fraud Prevention Tips*

Workers Compensation Fraud Red Flag Indicators:
(In no particular order of priority)
  • Accident occurs shortly after employee arrives at work (especially after a long weekend) or after they returned from a lunch or break.
  • Disgruntled employee
  • Potential employee layoffs, disciplinary action and or firings.
  • Retiring employees
  • Employee requested unexplained or medical time off prior to injury
  • Employee takes more time off than the injury warrants
  • Injured employee is new to the company
  • Injured employee purchased private disability insurance prior to the injury
  • Employee has prior work compensation claims
  • Employee avoids and or disputes ability to "Return to Work".
  • Employee's injuries never seem to heal or respond to medical treatment
  • Employee as history of changing their address, employer, and or treating physician
  • There are no witness and or occurred in security camera blind spots
  • Injury not reported in a timely fashion or according to established incident/accident reporting procedures
  • Injuries the employee sustained are not consistent with the employee's regular job duties
  • Employee complains of symptoms not consistent with symptoms generally associated with specific injuries. (IE- Psychological: Fear, stress, sleep disorders, headaches, nausea, etc.)
  • Injury occurred in an area where the employee would generally not be
  • Employee retains an attorney or discusses retaining an attorney early in the claims process
  • Employee adds additional injuries allegedly related to their claim
  • Employee later develops additional injuries when the parties fail to reach a settlement agreement
  • Employee falsified information on their employment application
  • Employee has known or suspected chemical/drug/alcohol dependence
  • Employee is having marital problems and or other financial issues
  • Employee was denied a raise or promotion
  • Co-workers deny the claims validity
  • Injured employee moves out of the area or leaves the state
  • Injured employee request transportation assistance and or travel reimbursements
  • Employee obtains a treating physician/medical provider a long way from their residence
  • The employee does seasonal work
  • Employee reports the claim after they are no longer employed
  • The employees address is not consistent on all paperwork. (IE-Paycheck, initial incident/accident report, AOE/COE Investigation, medical bills, etc.)
  • Employees checks being mailed to a PO Box, PMB (Personal Mail Box), relatives address and or an address different from the residence.
  • Employee retains an attorney well known for handling fraudulent claimants
  • Employee using a medical provider well known for assisting fraudulent claimants and or who are claimant friendly…
  • Employee who repeatedly fails to show up for the scheduled medical appointment or who constantly change the date/time of the appointment at the last minute.
  • Employee fails to show up for scheduled depositions
  • The employee or the employee's retained attorney inquires about a settlement early in the claims process
  • The employee's statement obtained during the initial incident is different than what is obtained during the AOE/COE Investigator and or deposition.
  • Employee's reported injuries are not consistent with the medical evaluation