Corinthian Group founder is a CA Licensed Private Investigator located in California. In states or countries where Corinthian Group has not obtained a license to provide Private Investigation services (where applicable), Corinthian Group has established strategic partnership with Private Detectives within the continental US & worldwide and will contract investigative & protective services and or refer leads generated from this site to qualified Private Investigators, as needed. 
Corinthian Group: California's Premier Investigative Firm
Serving Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County Orange County & San Diego County
Private Investigation, Criminal Defense Investigations & Executive Protection Services by State or Country:

Alaska | Alabama | Arizona: Phoenix | Arkansas | California: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose | Colorado: Denver | Connecticut | Delaware | Washington DC | Florida: Miami, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Clearwater, Orlando, Daytona, West Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Myers, Jacksonville | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois: Chicago | Indiana: Indianapolis | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland| Massachusetts: Boston | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas: Dallas, Houston | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming

International Private Investigations:
Cancun Mexico | Cabo San Lucas Mexico | Puerto Vallarta Mexico | Japan | China

Private Investigation & Executive Protection Services by California County:
Private Investigator Alameda County | Private Detective Contra Costa County | Private Investigators Fresno County | Private Detectives Imperial County | Private Investigation Kings County | Private Investigators Los Angeles County | Private Detective Agency Madera County | Private Investigations Marin County | Investigator Merced County | Monterey County Private Investigator | Detective Agencies Napa County | Private Investigators Orange County | Private Detectives Riverside County | Private Investigator San Bernardino County | San Benito County Investigations | San Diego County Private Investigators | Private Investigator Agency San Francisco County | Detectives San Joaquin County | San Mateo County Private Investigation | Santa Cruz County | Sacramento County | Solano County | Sonoma County | Stanislaus County | Tulare County | Ventura County | Yolo County
Subsidiary of Surveillance Systems Group, Inc.
Corinthian Group
8300 Utica Avenue, 3rd Floor, Rancho Cucamonga California 91730
Toll Free (877) 687-3939/OUR-EYEZ

For Your Information is licensed through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
California Investigator License #: PI 26978 (prior PI License # 23070)

Additional Services offered by our Worldwide Strategic Partners Network:

Accident Investigations, Accident Reconstruction, Address Search and Verification, Affidavits, Arson Investigations, Asset Searches, Asset Protection, Background Checks, Bail Enforcement, Bilingual Investigations, CA Guard Card Testing, Cargo Theft Investigations, Child Custody Investigations, Civil Investigations, Computer Forensics, Computer Investigations, Corporate Investigations, Counter Surveillance Investigations, Court Records Research-(Municipal, State & Federal), Criminal Defense Investigations, Difficult Process Serves, Disability Investigations, Divorce Investigations, DNA Testing & Test Kits, Drug Testing & Test Kits, Eavesdrop Detection- (TSCM & Debugging), Education Verification, Elderly Abuse Investigations, Executive Protection, Extortion Investigations, Falsely Accused Investigations, Fraud Investigations, GPS Tracking, Hidden Camera (Sales & Installations), Homicide Investigations, Identity Theft Prevention, Infidelity Investigations, Inmate Statements & Interviews, Insurance Fraud Investigations, Intellectual Property, Investigations, Interviews & Interrogations, Loss Prevention, Matrimonial Investigations, Minority Investigations (Surveillance, Statements & Interviews), Missing Heir locates, Missing Persons Investigations, Nanny Background Checks & Cams, Personal Protection, Phone Breaks/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Political Investigations, Pre-Employment Screening, Pre-Marital Investigations, Process Service, , Repossessions, Search and Seizure Investigations & Consulting, Security, Security Cameras & Diagramming, , Security Consultation, Sentencing Investigations, Sex Crimes Investigations, Skip Tracing, Stalking Prevention & Suppression (create definition), Statements (Audio & or Video), Suicide Investigations, Surveillance, Surveillance Equipment, Trademark Infringement Investigations, Theft Investigation (Interviews & Interrogations), Tenant Screening, Use of Force Investigation & Consultation, Utilities Break/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Undercover Investigations, Unlawfully Detained and or Falsely Arrested Investigations, Witness, Investigations, Workers Compensation Investigations, Wrongful Death Investigations
California Private Investigator License # : 26978
Mr. & Mrs. Claude & Kim Ammons
~Licensed Private Investigators~
"Lets Talk... Our advice is always FREE!"
Officers & Directors

Claude Ammons throughout the web!

Client Testimonials

~Legal Clients~

~Business Clients~

Private Clients
Dear Claude, May 8, 2008

The Corinthian Group has been extremely helpful in assisting my company, Completely Janitorial, with theft recovery and undercover investigations.Claude Ammons is a remarkable PI and I can't praise him enough for the information he provided to me during a recent investigation.The thoroughness and client confidentiality was extremely important in my case and Claude's work was more than I could have expected.

Your company was referred to me by a friend and it was recommended that I call Claude Ammons for assistance. With his persistence, and I'm sure your company's support, I was able to have the results of my investigation in a short period of time.

It was because of your company's, and Claude's, reputation that I decided to give my case to the Corinthian Group. I am quite happy I did, and will use your services again and will certainly be recommending your company if anyone ever inquires.
Raymond M. Young
Completely Janitorial
Dear Claude,

Thank you so much for your concern. We are all doing well. March 2007

I know who the driver was. The picture was pretty clear to see. Is there anyway you can maybe describe who was with her on 3-3-07 where it states:

7:19 p.m. – Video was obtained of the subject after she exited the restaurant and can be seen conversing with an older unidentified male and female. Moments later, the subject hugged the female then walked to her vehicle, entered then departed the area. [Video Obtained]

I know I gave you a few pictures and it seems neither one of those people are the ones mentioned above.
I would appreciate it if you could try to describe who they were. It's kind of hard to get away from my daycare since I just got back from my vacation.

Let me know. And thank you again for everything. You made this experience using your services a comfortable one. It wasn't easy for me, yet your company made it a good experience for me.

Isabel S.
Excerpt taken from profile:

Our company was incurring loss due to employee theft and Claude was hired to help detect how the loss was occurring and implement a solution. Within weeks our theft issues had disappeared and we have suffered no further loss. Claude was professional, diligent and offered a variety of solutions to our company while maintaining a high degree of integrity. I would recommend his services to others with similar problems." August 29, 2008

Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity
Doug Binford hired Claude as a Business Consultant in October 1st, 2007 "
Excerpt taken from profile:

"Claude provides innovative solutions to investigation problems. He was able to get the job done after others had failed. His management skills were superior to those we usually encounter in our industry. His attention to finite details was amazing. Claude's group was professional and produced an outcome well above our expectations." August 28, 2008

Top qualities: Great Results, Good Value, On Time
Bruce Hanley hired Claude on a Investigations/Surveillance in 2003

~Insurance Clients~

internet fax

internet fax