Corinthian Group founder is a CA Licensed Private Investigator located in California. In states or countries where Corinthian Group has not obtained a license to provide Private Investigation services (where applicable), Corinthian Group has established strategic partnership with Private Detectives within the continental US & worldwide and will contract investigative & protective services and or refer leads generated from this site to qualified Private Investigators, as needed. 
~Private Investigator Blog~
Corinthian Group: California's Premier Investigative Firm
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Subsidiary of Surveillance Systems Group, Inc.
Corinthian Group
8300 Utica Avenue, 3rd Floor, Rancho Cucamonga California 91730
Toll Free (877) 687-3939/OUR-EYEZ

For Your Information is licensed through the California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS)
California Investigator License #: PI 26978 (prior PI License # 23070)

Additional Services offered by our Worldwide Strategic Partners Network:

Accident Investigations, Accident Reconstruction, Address Search and Verification, Affidavits, Arson Investigations, Asset Searches, Asset Protection, Background Checks, Bail Enforcement, Bilingual Investigations, CA Guard Card Testing, Cargo Theft Investigations, Child Custody Investigations, Civil Investigations, Computer Forensics, Computer Investigations, Corporate Investigations, Counter Surveillance Investigations, Court Records Research-(Municipal, State & Federal), Criminal Defense Investigations, Difficult Process Serves, Disability Investigations, Divorce Investigations, DNA Testing & Test Kits, Drug Testing & Test Kits, Eavesdrop Detection- (TSCM & Debugging), Education Verification, Elderly Abuse Investigations, Executive Protection, Extortion Investigations, Falsely Accused Investigations, Fraud Investigations, GPS Tracking, Hidden Camera (Sales & Installations), Homicide Investigations, Identity Theft Prevention, Infidelity Investigations, Inmate Statements & Interviews, Insurance Fraud Investigations, Intellectual Property, Investigations, Interviews & Interrogations, Loss Prevention, Matrimonial Investigations, Minority Investigations (Surveillance, Statements & Interviews), Missing Heir locates, Missing Persons Investigations, Nanny Background Checks & Cams, Personal Protection, Phone Breaks/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Political Investigations, Pre-Employment Screening, Pre-Marital Investigations, Process Service, , Repossessions, Search and Seizure Investigations & Consulting, Security, Security Cameras & Diagramming, , Security Consultation, Sentencing Investigations, Sex Crimes Investigations, Skip Tracing, Stalking Prevention & Suppression (create definition), Statements (Audio & or Video), Suicide Investigations, Surveillance, Surveillance Equipment, Trademark Infringement Investigations, Theft Investigation (Interviews & Interrogations), Tenant Screening, Use of Force Investigation & Consultation, Utilities Break/CNA (Customer Name & Address), Undercover Investigations, Unlawfully Detained and or Falsely Arrested Investigations, Witness, Investigations, Workers Compensation Investigations, Wrongful Death Investigations
California Private Investigator License # : 26978
Mr. & Mrs. Claude & Kim Ammons
~Licensed Private Investigators~
"Lets Talk... Our advice is always FREE!"
Officers & Directors


A few articles written by
Mr. Claude Ammons:

SEXTING: A form of Infidelity!

As technology continues to progress at a staggering pace, so are the ways that infidelity can occur and be disguised.

Most of the population has some form of mobile communication and as has some familiarity with text messaging. With this being the case, sexting appears to be the easiest and at times the most intimate way of expressing ones affection for another person without actual physical contact.

Sexting according to Wikipedia is: the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photographs/video, primarily between mobile phones. The term was first popularized in early 21st century, and is a portmanteau of sex and texting, where the latter is meant in the wide sense of sending a text possibly with images.

Therefore, I wanted to provide a couple of Red Flags to help couples identify ways to determine if their significant other has the propensity for sexting.


1- Has their mobile phone password protected.
2- Enjoys taking photos using their mobile phone.
3- Uses text messaging as a general form of communication.
4- Regularly utilizes social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google , Myspace, Qzone, and Renren to name but a few.
6- Has a mobile account with unlimited text messaging.
7- Has a web camera on their laptop and or computer.
Communicates with old girlfriends/boyfriends over the phone and or through social media sites.
*PLEASE NOTE: Identifying 1 of these issues does not necessarily mean that sexting is occurring, however the more Red Flags you've identified the more likely sexting is occurring.


Lastly, here are a few tips to avoid fertilizing an environment that breeds temptation:

o Work on communication skills. IE- Ask your spouse what they believe you can do to communicate more effectively.
o Communicate your concerns when you are not angry
o Seek the services of a marriage counselor or church pastor to address any communication disagreements
3 AVOID SEPARATE ACCOUNTS -(This should not be tolerated)
o Shared banking
o Shared mobile phone
o Shared passwords to email accounts.
o “Every cheating spouse I’ve caught as a private investigator lived their lives as if they were single and had 1 or more separate accounts”.
o Your spouse should be able to answer your phone, look through your purse/wallet/phone/computer and hear any conversation you have over the phone without restriction.

In most cases, I would always recommend contacting a Private Investigator who specializes in infidelity cases before you decide to snoop around your significant other's phone and or computer. However, most people will ignore this advice and do it anyone, therefore should you find yourself conducting your own investigation please remember that discretion is key. If you find evidence and plan on confronting your significant other with this evidence you will undoubtedly create more problems than you can imagine.

Talk to a professional before asking any suspicious questions and or confronting your significant other. It is imperative that you have all of the facts and also have a plan that goes way beyond just confronting your lover.

Lastly, as a California licensed Private Investigator we have the experience and software needed to discretely the factual evidence you need. We can also help you identify the best software should you decide to do it yourself...